You’re not clean if you’ve never been dirty.

Roh Krishnan
2 min readDec 28, 2023

A shower is only as good as the level of tired and dirty you are. Think about it every time you’re in the shower. Also, try to conceptualize never having a hot shower ever again.

Some of us are pious and some of us walk paths that could very well end in danger. Most of us actually.

We don’t listen. I often wonder why that it is.

Probably because anyone with a spine doesn’t like to be told what to do.

They, we, acknowledge what is being said, but insist on seeing it for ourselves.

Sometimes seeing and experiencing it provides too hard to bear, and it becomes a vice.

The very thing we were told not go do or see. The curious cat. The person that dared to go first gets pinched off.

On the rare occasion they do not, usually a movie is made.

I pose this to you: If you have no conception of what evil is, do you truly know what is good and bad, or are you a blithering moron that thinks they’ve got the whole thing managed?

Sometimes, and I actually would say that most times, you literally have to see the Devil, or whatever notion that is, in the eye, to believe in something else.

It’s a very vain glorious thing to walk around not giving a single shit about the things left in the wake of disruptive behavior.

You end up filling this void by worshipping watches, yachts, parties that are of no accomplishment, and then shh, it’s Football Sunday.

This is the true infinite loop my friends.

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year.



Roh Krishnan

Writing ‘bout beautiful things I see when I walk (browse) this incredible world. I also create products, investigate provenance, transparency, & sustainability